Thursday, February 14, 2008

Widespread damage and thousands displaced after violence in West Darfur

– UNICEF has conducted its first mission to northern West Darfur in the wake of an attack by Sudanese forces there.

The assessment team visited the towns of Sirba and Abu Surouj, where buildings had been burned and thousands of residents fled. The team found widespread damage.

“Initially, people needed food and medicine, there were cases of malnutrition, but the most common problem was people were burned,” said UNICEF Resident Project Officer Naqibullah Safi. “There are some civilian casualties, but exact figures are not known. Most shelters in Sirba have been burned, and 60 to 70 per cent of Abu Surouj.”

Attacks spark mass evacuation

The attacks have sparked a mass evacuation from the region. Of the 12,000 residents of Abu Seruj, only 2,000 to 3,000 remain. But where they have gone is uncertain.

There are reports that about 12,000 people have fled into Chad, which has prompted that country’s government to say it cannot take any more refugees from Darfur. Read More >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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