Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Miliband urges Darfur peace force

Britain has condemned the continuing violence in Darfur and called for the speedy deployment of a joint United Nations and African Union peacekeeping force.

Foreign Secretary David Miliband and International development Secretary Douglas Alexander spoke out after reports of further killings and waves of refugees fleeing militias.

Mr Miliband said he was particularly concerned at reports of Sudanese government bombing raids in defiance of the international community.

He said in a statement: "The recent fighting in West Darfur has had a devastating impact on the lives of innocent Darfuris.

"The UK shares the widespread international concern at the appalling suffering that this fighting has caused.

"I am particularly concerned by reports of aerial bombardment by Government of Sudan forces, in contravention of UN security council resolutions, and of violence by the Justice and Equality Movement, led by Khalil Ibrahim, and militia.

"This further fighting comes on the heels of violence in Chad and across the Darfur-Chad border that has caused a worsening in the humanitarian situation in Chad.

"I reiterate calls on both Governments to cease support for each other's rebel groups. Read more >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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