Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sudan: Islamic Community Failing Darfur Victims, Rights Groups Say


Human rights advocates and religious leaders are using a conference in the Senegalese capital Dakar to tell leaders of predominantly Muslim countries they are failing the people of Darfur.

"It is the OIC's [Organisation of Islamic Conference] responsibility to say 'enough is enough' and to put pressure on the government of Sudan - which is a member state of the OIC - to end the killing in Darfur," Amir Osman, international advocacy director for the Washington-based group Save Darfur, told IRIN.

The international community must act "whenever a government is killing its own citizens", Osman said. "Some of the Arab and Muslim leaders are hesitant to speak out because of their economic and political interests with Sudan."

Islamic scholars and representatives of human rights and aid groups met in Saly, Senegal, on 9 March to finalise a declaration to be submitted to OIC heads of state - expected to include Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir - due to gather in Dakar on 12-14 March. Read more >>>>>>>>>>>

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