Sunday, April 20, 2008

Warning to world leaders over Darfur crisis

By Samantha Novick
IF world leaders continue to neglect the worsening humanitarian crisis in Sudan's Darfur region, violence there could reignite 21 years of civil war and spread, the leader of Scotland's largest international aid charity warned last night.
"It is staggering that the international community has not been able to provide the personnel or logistical support that is vital to handle the vast insecurity in the region," said Paul Chitnis, chief executive of the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund. "They are not giving Darfur the priority it needs in order to bring an end to this crisis. Already it is a situation of too little, too late."

Chitnis' comments come after a report from the United Nations found that violence targeting civilians in Darfur continues at alarming levels, despite numerous resolutions, millions in aid money and four years of UN efforts to end it.

Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General, has even said the situation is worse today than when it first began. SCIAF has taken a major step in promoting its work in the country – by establishing its first overseas office there, in the town of Juba, on the White Nile south of Darfur.Read more >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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