Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Marginalized Sudanese Activists Support International Criminal Court

Marginalized Sudanese Activists Support International Criminal Court

Sudanese civil society activists, movements and civil rights advocates will jointly organize a demonstration in support of the International Criminal Court's Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo in indicting Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al Bashir of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Exhibitions of gross crimes against humanity committed by the current regime in Kajbar, Abei, Port Sudan and currently being committed in Darfur will be presented.
Place: Dam in Amsterdam
Date: July 29th, 2008
Time: From 12:00 till 20:00 hours

Invitation is open to all.

Sudan Liberation Movement
Sudan Justice & Equality Movement
Kush Liberation Movement
Bija Conference
Kordofan Alliance for Development
Darfur Call

For more info, please contact the following numbers:
+31 616583546
+31 649319350
+31 645660524